Sunday, May 10, 2015

Who are Sparrow and Mister Glasses?

I could spend the next few posts introducing you to more characters from my novel, Daughters of Darkwana, but the time soon arrives to move on to a new topic for this blog.
I will, today and for the final time, make another round of introductions from that novel. Today, I introduce Mister Glasses and Sparrow.

Mister Glasses wears a suit and (big surprise) a pair of tortoiseshell glasses. He carries a slim, notorious, enchanted briefcase.
A three-digit combination lock seals the case. While every combination causes the case to open, each combination . . . well, allow me to demonstrate.
Let’s say you dialed the combination of 0-9-8 into the case’s lock. The case would open, and you could put your cellphone, or whatever else (worry not about size; you could drive an entire RV into the case), inside it.
Shut it. Now, if you open the case with a different combination, you will not discover your cellphone inside it. Only the combination of 0-9-8 will produce the phone.
Glasses placed every object of possible necessity inside the case. Whatever he needs, the proper combination will cause the case to open and produce the required item(s).
The briefcase lives. It drools and possesses fangs. It will often snap at people it dislikes.
Glasses holds an affection for fire. He worships fire’s “purifying nature.” He, as a child, burned down his house with his parents trapped inside it. He prays that Hell exists and that he will go there, forever embraced by flames.
He experiences excitement whenever he burns someone.
He works as one of Vasuki’s assassins.

I will not share too much with you about Sparrow. His true identity serves as something of a surprise in Daughters.
Sparrow, who wishes to keep his aforementioned identity a secret, paints his face as a geisha’s.
He wields collapsible, razor-sharp, steel fans, which he can throw with deadly accuracy. He bonded each fan to a magic fortune cookie. If he destroys one of the cookies, the corresponding fan detonates.

I shall, next post, discuss some of the changes I made along the way while I wrote Daughters, why I made those changes, and what led me to those reasons.
I, after that, must discuss the things I wish I had changed in Daughters, poor decisions with which I feel stuck and how another writer might avoid them.

Thanks for reading.
Daughters of Darkwana received a sweet, succinct review, which you can read here,
         Also, the third book in my series, Diaries of Darkwana, recently arrived on Kindle. You can find the entire series at

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