Friday, April 24, 2015

Who are Spyder and Manning?

Time to meet a few more members of my antagonist’s (Special Agent Baxter’s) supportive cast in the first novel (Daughters of Darkwana) of my series (Diaries of Darkwana) now available on Kindle.

Let us begin with Spyder (yes, pronounced “spider”).
I already provided a little of Spyder’s history in my last post. Today, I would like to discuss his appearance and abilities.
Spyder’s ice-cold skin appears blue because he technically died. He manages to keep his muscles functional via small, electric impulses (Don’t look at me like that. This serves as a fantasy novel, not a medical thriller).
Spyder cannot see because he lost both of his eyes. A pair of shiny, black, oversized buttons, sewn onto his eyelids, decorates his face.
Spyder cannot talk because his lips remain stitched shut.
He wears shredded, shiny, black leather.
Spyder, armed with a superior sense of smell, works as an assassin for Vasuki (for whom Baxter also works).
Spyder possesses the ability to absorb any form of energy with one hand, convert it to electricity, and discharge it as lightning from his other hand. He keeps a lighter to provide the heat needed to create such discharges.
He, in a scene I ultimately deleted from Daughters, faces a car that loses control, flips off the road, and rolls straight at him. He catches it with an open palm, absorbs all of its kinetic energy (thus stops the vehicle with no force against him) and discharges that energy from his free hand as lightning.
The capture of Wally Cook (my protagonist), serves as Spyder’s only goal, shared between him and the other assassins on Vasuki’s payroll.

Manning (a.k.a. the Sandstorm) serves as another assassin who lacks a goal beyond a paycheck (though a demonically sadistic streak guides his actions).
Manning, the offspring of a gorgon and a shape shifter, stands tall, bronzed, and in possession of both dreadlocks (which can extend and move as tentacles) and a seemingly endless supply of sunglasses. He continuously breaks and immediately replaces these sunglasses throughout Daughters.
He often appears shirtless. He performs flawless capoeira.
Sand makes up his entire body. He can reshape himself, even into a cloud of sand that floats.
He proves nearly impossible to damage any other way, as his sand-body can reform around any injury performed against it.
Manning can also summon long, sometimes bladed, chains, which he throws from his body (amongst puffs of sand) at his targets.

I will, next post, introduce you to two other “bad guys,” each of which possesses deeper motives for his bad behavior. See you then, and thanks for reading.

Thanks for reading.
Daughters of Darkwana received a sweet, succinct review, which you can read here,
         Also, the third book in my series, Diaries of Darkwana, recently arrived on Kindle. You can find the entire series at

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