Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Zenko, Inari, and Shinto Clans of Darkwana

I discussed, last week, the creatures called kitsunes who dominate my novel series, Diaries of Darkwana. I shall, today, as promised, discuss some of the more famous kitsune clans in that same series.

Zenko Clan
Insignia: Maple Leaf
Mascot: Ostrich
Headquarters: The Burrow, a retired elementary school
Location: Swamp

The Zenko Clan takes center stage during the first three books (volume one) of Diaries of Darkwana.
However, they also exist in books four through eight (volume two) and the descendants of their former members take stage in books nine through fifteen (volume three).
Volume two actually takes place before volume one (I promise, a method exists to this madness).
The Zenko Clan, at the start of volume two, exists as a small, almost inconsequential clan, so small that not a single house mother exists amongst them.
(Kitsunes who serve as “house mothers” train and guide small teams of new recruits in the larger kitsune clans.)
An orange-furred kitsune named Ara leads the Zenko Clan at this point. (a kitsune clan calls its leader their “den mother”).
A war against a common enemy forces most kitsune clans to band together, and the Zenko Clan opens its doors to all the other clans’ children.
Ara joins the fight and leaves her yellow-furred daughter, Sahmay, to serve as den mother in her stead.
The Zenko Clan, in book one, volume one (Daughters of Darkwana) stand, after the dust settles from their war, as all that remains of their entire species, a clan of orphans.

Inari Clan
Insignia: Double Helix
Mascot: Owl
Headquarters: Inari House, a massive, cube-shaped building balanced upon a single corner.
Location: Tundra

The Inari Clan proves the most prestigious of all the kitsune clans—mostly due to their ability to grow more tails and thus increase their magical powers.
Many clans send their most promising children to apply at Inari House. However, every pledge must join a three-person team and train under a house mother. They eventually take a dangerous set of tests (the subject of book four, volume one, Duelists of Darkwana).
Many students die in these exams. Those that survive but do not pass face immediate banishment.
A white-furred kitsune named Myōbu serves as the Inari Clan’s den mother at the start of book four. I won’t blab too much about the hierarchy that follows thereafter.

Shinto Clan
Insignia: An Eight-toothed Gear
Mascot: A Steel Hawk
Headquarters: Shinto Palace (a castle constructed of golden gears and other mechanical components)
Location: Desert with Blue Sand

I don’t want to tell you too much here. Let’s just say that this clan starts out good before its den mother, Mordechai (all titles sound feminine, regardless of the holder’s actual gender) leads it astray. Its clansmen afterwards become the “bad guys” for much of the series.

Okay. I’ll discuss, next week, three of the lesser clans you’ll meet in this series.
Thanks for reading!

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Mondays and Thursdays: Short stories at
Tuesdays: A look at the politics of the entertainment world at
Wednesdays: An inside look at my novels (such as Daughters of Darkwana, which you can now find on Kindle) at
Fridays: Tips to improve your fiction at
Sundays: Movie reviews at

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