Monday, March 23, 2015

Who are Adiba and Alma?

I introduced to you, so far in this blog, the protagonist (Wally) and antagonist (Baxter) of Daughters of Darkwana (the first book in my series, Diaries of Darkwana), as well as a few members of the protagonist’s supportive cast (Sahmay, Colleen, and Buthaynah).
I want, today, to introduce two more members of that supportive cast, each another kitsune of the Zenko Clan (see prior posts if that didn’t make much sense to you). I want to introduce you to Adiba (A-dee-ba) and Alma.
Adiba (short, shy, young, lover of grilled cheese sandwiches, and telepathic) exists as the kid sister to the other members of her clan. This kitsune wears fur the color of polished toffee. She often wears a skirt and sweater.
While I consider Adiba a charm in Daughters, I admit that she comes across as a disposable character. I could have, with a little work, removed her from Daughters.
However, everything that happens to and because of Adiba ends up important later in the series, and those events must occur in Daughters.
Adiba, in fact, proves an extremely important character in the remainder of the series, Diaries of Darkwana, but I don’t wish to give away the reasons in this post.
Alma, at the start of Daughters, proves a blissful, carefree character, overly trusting and set for a few nasty surprises by the end of Daughters.
Events in Daughters lessen Sahmay’s need for control. They also settle Wally’s survivor’s guilt and make Alma less trustful. They reshape Adiba completely.
Alma wears black fur interrupted by a river of silver that flows from her throat to her thighs. Her eyes glow with amber light.
Alma, like Sahmay, possesses great skill as a summoner. She exercises devices called “summoning strings,” which shall serve as a topic for another post.
I shall, next post, introduce the antagonist’s supportive cast.

See you then. Thanks for reading!

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